Roles for Souls

Roman Strategies

A retreat for executive teams that need to make important strategic decisions.

Max. 5 people


4 days, 3 nights

Pricing on request

A retreat about the future of your organization

Your organization is at a crossroads. A crossroads where you as management need to make a choice about the future direction. This could be a continuation of the current route, a specific product-market expansion, a sale, a merger, or maybe a combination.

In this retreat I teach management teams the art of Scenario Sensing, where we create a real life representation of different future directions. We analyze scenarios together and determine which underlying variables have the greatest influence on the scenarios to be played out. But also: to what extent the organization and the market are ready for each scenario, and what influence you have on these variables.

In this retreat we discover on which scenarios there is alignment in your team, and on which scenarios you lack alignement. There is of course no wrong answer, and no wrong decisions. The main objective is that you as a management team gain more insight into every scenario, and to help you facilitate in making a decision.

During the reatreat I will inspire you with how the Roman Empire was built, and how the best emperors worked with shaping scenarios for the Roman Empire. Whatever organization you lead, and whatever phase you are in, after this retreat there will be more connection with each other and with the chosen strategy.

Roles for Souls

When is this retreat for your team?

These are examples that indicate this is good timing to participate.


Company growth is stagnating and you want to make a strategic choice.


You grow fast, but this provides (too) many choices and optionality. You would like to create focus.


A concrete opportunity has presented itself and you want to investigate with your management whether this is the right choice.

Roles for Souls

How we combine Rome with your team

Remember that feeling when you are in nature (for example, in the mountains, or at sea) and you get that all-embracing feeling, where you have no sense of time and self anymore? Well, this power is also present in The Eternal City of Rome, through the energy of ancient sites, of the art, and of the overall atmosphere of the city.

But how do we combine a visit to the city with your team trip? We do this by focusing on the building of the Roman Empire, and especially on the glory days of the Empire (2nd century AD). In Rome we receive a tour from a local art historian, who teaches us about the strategic choices of three emperors renowned for their leadership and vision: Trajan, Hadrian, and Marcus Aurelius.

Roles for Souls

Topics and practices during the retreat

Roles for Souls

The Soul's Code

During the retreat we work with the Acorn Theory of James Hillman, as described in his book The Soul’s Code. Just like an acorn (=seed of an oak tree) contains all the information that it needs to grow into a big oak tree, your Soul also contains an Acorn, which contains all the information to grow into your human version of an oak tree.

Roles for Souls

Hero Role

Your Hero Role is the desired position of your Soul in a specific system. It is also focused on your core activity, where performance comes naturally. Acting in this role, you make a system come alive and you make yourself come alive.

Roles for Souls

Artist Role

The Artist Role is about the desired style of your soul, which is always developing. This role also determines what type of art ‘has to come out’ from within, the type of projects you desire, and what work and friendship portfolio you will create.

Roles for Souls

Soul Projects

We will discuss the Soul Projects of the artists and emperors, and also the Soul Projects in your life (past present, and future). These are the projects where you fully act in your Hero and Artist Roles, in the right system, at the right time, with the right people.

Wabi Sabi

"Nothing lasts, nothing is finished, nothing is perfect" is the Japanese wisdom of finding beauty in life’s imperfection and in simplicity, of accepting the natural cycles of growth, decay, and death. With Wabi Sabi your learn to look for authenticity above all, which is what we will do the whole retreat: find authenticity in your roles.

Where we stay

We stay in a boutique hotel just outside the city (28 minutes by train), where we also do our sessions. The hotel offers only five rooms, so we don’t have any other guests on site - it is fully private. Everyone has his/her own bedroom.

The hotel offers breakfast, lunch and dinner. We have breakfast at the hotel, have a team session, and leave for Rome at the end of the morning for a tour about the emperors and artists. Late afternoon we return to the hotel for relaxation (massage can be booked) and dinner. All food and drinks are included in the price, the flight is not.

The retreat is 4 days. We start on Tuesday afternoon in Rome, and we will finish and fly back Friday afternoon. So you will be back with your family in the weekend.

Roles for SoulsRoles for SoulsRoles for SoulsRoles for SoulsRoles for SoulsRoles for Souls


The most personal decision of your life

Are you ready to make your roles more personal? So that it reflects You and not somebody else? Great. This is the most profound decision in your life - to make your life journey personal. That as years go by, you learn more about your own Soul through the work you put out there, and the relationships you have built.

Get in touch
The best music artists make personal albums.
The best writers write personal books.
And your best life is a personal life.