Personal coaching, aimed at a desired change in your role (or: of your role).
In the Netherlands or Italy
minimum of 2 sessions
pricing upon request
How do you currently feel in your most important roles? Does it feel heavy, light, or neutral? Do you feel it flowing, or do you feel the flow standing still?
If you would like personal guidance to change your current role situation, I am happy to help you. The overarching theme in my coaching is to align your role with what I call your Soul's Code. The way in which you align your role to your Soul is very simple: it is by acting daily on a sense of rightness, lightness, and liveliness.
The basic attitude in my coaching is that we look at what already feels right and light, now or in the past. In addition, we never focus on your role as a separate concept - we always explore it in connection with the system you are in, and what your ideal systemic conditions are for your Soul to 'come to life'. What we also explore is how your role is part of a larger journey in your life, or whether you may have 'role pollution' at the moment, meaning you are living the journey of another person or your past self.
You / your Soul has a natural tendency. To specific roles, to specific activities, to specific people, to specific systems. I teach you to feel this tendency, and then we explore together what you can let go of at this moment and expand to follow this tendency.
There are three situations that indicate this is good timing.
You are not living your highest self in your main roles, and you don’t know where and what to change.
You are performing at a high level in your roles, but somehow it doesn’t feel balanced. This could be your work-life balance, balance between work roles, or balance between activities.
You need to make an important decision regarding your role(s).
If you have the time and budget to do a 1:1 coaching together in Italy, great! The locations for this are Rome, or Lucca in Tuscany. If we do a program in Italy together, we do this for 2 nights (3rd day return flight).
However, if you prefer to be coached digitally or in the Netherlands, that is also an option.
My coaching engagements are usually short, between 2 and 5 sessions. In most processes we work towards a role decision, and we have a follow-up session a few weeks afterwards. We always have a 45-minute intake beforehand to see if I can help you and whether there is a personal connection. Here we also determine the commitment in terms of number of sessions.
Are you ready to make your roles more personal? So that it reflects You and not somebody else? Great. This is the most profound decision in your life - to make your life journey personal. That as years go by, you learn more about your own Soul through the work you put out there, and the relationships you have built.
Get in touchThe best music artists make personal albums.
The best writers write personal books.
And your best life is a personal life.